Friday, August 29, 2008


Well, as you can obviously tell, I haven't exactly been keeping up with my blogging over the summer. I have been outside biking, and hanging with friends, and frankly, blogging takes time away from doing other stuff that actually does something for my social life. But not that I have anything against blogging, it's just that all I would have to blog about is personal stuff with my friends.

This post is more to tell you why I haven't been blogging, and that I will start blogging regularly once school begins because I will have more time on my laptop, and at home because of the IB program.

So be ready for some regular posts, probably a couple a week, not quite as often as toughlove, but often enough for you to have something to read every once in awhile, and I might just enjoy having a writing release not related to school. [And it will be fun to talk about all the new/weird people at high school]

Until school time, farewell,