Tuesday, September 2, 2008

BUNNY........... and school :)

Quote my friend Shawna on this bunny:
- shawna rose ;_____ ` ‹3 says:
even if it was like some sorta massive killer, it would still be the cutest thing ever

Well, today was my first day of high school, and I must say, it was exactly what I expected, no more, no less. I guess that's what I get for having realistic expectations in the first place, I'm almost never pleasantly surprised, but I never have to worry about being dissapointed.

I'm just sorta going to give a quick review about my day and my classes and associated teachers.
[Btw, there is this girl, Ali, who is in EVERY SINGLE one of my classes :|, it's quite unnerving]

Bus ride there:
LONG. Probably the best adjective to describe that bus ride :|
I basically put on some music, half-listened to my friends, and tried to zone out the ride.

I arrived in the main lobby to see it packed with people my height, which was not a surprise, but something completely different than what I'm used to. At MR all the students were a good 5+ inches shorter than me.
After waiting for almost 10minutes, I realized that I had to find out my homeroom, which just so happened to be Gym B. After I got to the gym, I realized that there was the girl's gym class on the other side, some were pretty hot [finally more girls, wasn't too many girls at MR worth looking at often]. I also found out that there are ALOT of indian people, as well as massive amounts of oriental asians.

Music with Mr. Richardson:
Well, I come to the classroom to find the door locked, which really bugged me. I just sorta stood there for a few minutes looking at the door handle as if doing so would unlock it, but nothing happened... Eventually I raised my head and noticed I was trying to go through the emergency fire exit door; so I quickly went over to the REAL door and went in. First thing I noticed was that Bettina was there, and it was a grade 9 class, so it kinda confused me, then I later found out that she had a schedule mix-up. I don't think Bettina recognized me at all, which I guess is a relief, it would bug me if ALL of fateema's friends knew me right off the bat.
So I sat down, talked with a few random people, [one of the guy's name was Blaze...] and the teacher came in. Big guy, deep voice, seemed nice enough, and he just sorta showed us around the room [wasn't much to see], then asked us what we played so he could get a basic idea of what the room comprised of in terms of musical variety. We then went out the door, were showed where to put our instruments/bags, and then the bell rang, and we all scattered amongst the other students on our way to our second period classes..........

Science with Mrs. Serapiglia:
So after deciding that the top floor of Colonel By needs to have the floor plan rethought, I asked a couple teachers and gradually found my way to my science class, room 234 [all in succession, I know, weird], and met my science teacher, Mrs. Serapiglia [silent "g", so it sounds like Sarah-pee-lee-uh]. She was nice enough, and she seemed to be a younger teacher, and reasonably enthusiastic. The students in the class were quiet, my friend Ryan's stalker was there, he showed up in a few of my classes actually... *shifty eyes*
She introduced herself, set some rules, then the bell rang in what felt like only 5 minutes, instead of the actual 15. I then rushed out because I knew that my next class was on the first floor, and nothing else, because I hadn't quite gotten down the numerical ordering of the classrooms yet.

English with Mrs. Evans:
I was welcomed into the classroom with an overly cheery "Welcome!!!! Take a seat wherever you like, but don't fret, it won't be your permanent seat, just one for today :)" which disturbed me greatly. I could tell right away that english period was going to be one of those that would just seem to drag on forever.
She got the attendance out of the way relatively quickly, then proceeded to blab on about her life [which I can GUARANTEE no one wanted to actually hear] for around 10 minutes, and she was interrupted only half-way by the bell [thank god]. So then I eagerly left the room in search of room 124 to have spanish.

Spanish with Ms. Zapata:
I walk in to be greeted with many spanish posters, all seeming to be pretty much the same thing, VERBS.
The teacher seemed nice enough, elderly lady, late 50s maybe, speaking mainly spanish with some heavily accented english. And while I was starting to find a seat, she began the class speaking only in spanish, and the whole class sorta did a collective, silent, WTF! I had to interrupt her and let her know that we were the grade 9 beginner spanish class, so many of us had heard not much spanish before. She apologized, and it seemed that she confused us with her grade 10 class she was going to have next period. Then the introduction continued, with random interjections of spanish in her english. I left the room quickly when the bell rang, and took a short break with my friends.

Geo with Mrs. Kennedy:
HOLY CRAP! She is one DULL teacher, she did attendance, said something monotonous, and then I just sorta left my body and floated in my mind, enjoying the music that was in the back, near my left ear, it was good, sorta a slow, ballady, meaningful song. I think I should try to find that song soon.
Anyways, my friend told me class was over, so I left in search of a portable [fuck those infernal contraptions].

French with Mrs. Atkinson:
Ouch, her french sucked so badly, she babyed us the entire class, and I felt like I should burst out in fast french just to confuse the fuck out of the rest of the class [they seemed pretty incompetent with french, no offence to any of my readers in that class, you know who you are]. And then she started going on with some odd accent, it sounded like real french, but like textbook french, no emotion whatsoever, and it unnerved me, so I decided not to speak up. I left there like it was infested with the plague.

Math with Mr. Whitlock:
Omg, so I come to an enriched math class [pretty much my dream], and there it is, math looking, with posters, and a well-kept, educated looking teacher. We played math games and I learned that the class is pretty much mediocre at math, with the exception of a few students. I'm quite sure that most of the students in the advanced math class at MR would be able to own them at math. I left there feeling good, like I had something REALLY GOOD to look forward to for the next day.

Gym with Mr. Lacasse:
Well, I go back to the gym, where I started, is where I ended. I sat down on the bench, got some forms, and got my locker number, not much worthy of a blog there.
WAIT, almost forgot, saw Ellen, one of my best friends from grade 1-2, she was there, could NOT believe it.

Well, that's a general recap on my day of school, well, my HALF-day. And let me tell you, just because I'm in an enriched program, does NOT mean I'm going to be abandoning this blog, I will have plenty to tell, and an outlet is always good in the stressful atmosphere of high school.

Ta ta for now,