Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Yes, yes, I know, I'm not regular

My amazing collection of funny faces, don'tcha just love 'em? :D

Refer yourself to the title of this blog, if it so happens to be what you are currently thinking.

So I've been really slacking here [on the blog] even though I said I would try to keep it regular. So what? I'm sure all of you have lives, so maybe you shouldn't worry that I may not be posting all that often.

On a school note, I have a freaking large amount of spanish words to practice for tomorrow's quiz, as well as WHMIS symbols for science :X
Not what I wanted to be doing tonight, but I guess that's life, you don't really get what you want.

On another note, I wore jeans today for the first time in 8 years. Nothing special, but just thought that was an interesting tidbit on today's occurrences, because, frankly, my day was nothing special. I had some boring subjects, some interesting ones, and because of the monotony of only 1 week of high school, I have already fallen asleep twice during class.

Just to let you all know, when you have a cold, don't skip eating for the day. It does NOTHING to improve on an already crappy situation.

'Til something blog-worthy comes along,