Friday, July 4, 2008

Sigh, and then it sinks in that it`s not over...

Sorry for the slow blogging today, readers. It`s just that I have had alot going on. One of my best friends, Amanda, just came on up to Ottawa from Wasaga Beach, a town on the shore of lake Huron I believe, on Georgian bay. She`s a great friend of mine, and everyone else, and she had moved away in the spring, and she came here to visit and go to another one of my friends birthday parties. We hung out a bit today, and I also went and hung out with a couple of my guy friends, we went biking, then proceeded to go to Leslie`s house because he had to babysit his cousins. Not very fun, but he does have alot of food that he can eat whenever he wants to in his house. Not that I would take advantage of that or anything... well, anyways... I ended up being bored by suppertime, once again, despite the hectic schedule I had today.

It`s great to see friends, but you have to learn when to take time away from them to spend time with your family, no matter how boring your family may be, they will want to spend time with you, whether you want them to or not.

And I`ve been playing this addicting game on facebook called Word Challenge, and I`ve been playing it for 3 hours [it's quite addictive, I must say], and it seems to have boosted up my typing speed, because I just clocked it on a program... it's about 90 wpm at the moment, some of the fastest typing I've done in a while, to be honest. Give it a try, it's a fun game that enhances your vocabulary, and practices your speed typing at the same time. But be careful, you can lose track of time while playing it quite easily.

So, up until now I have been mostly just ranting on and on about random this that have occured to me today. Now, I must talk to you about something I DIDN'T do today. I didn't talk on msn all that much, and that is something big for me, as I am the kind of person who almost never logs off of msn for the duration of the entire day, I usually just leave the computer for a few minutes to eat, change music, or use the washroom, and that's about it. I don't leave my laptop for any reason that is not urgent, end of story. I'm even on my wonderful laptop [that I got for my birthday] right now, in bed, just lying here with it on my lap, and the dark sights out of the large window at my feet haunting me, the creeping shadows cast upon my room by the glow of the streetlamp mocking me, beckoning me into a deep sleep, one that cannot be ended, the eternal slumber of death. But enough about personifying the shadows... I'm going to write a poem about my room at night, something that I am not copying down, just sort of making up as I go along, I really do hope you enjoy reading it as much as I do making it.

Night room
I lie in bed with a blanket,
gently draped over my feet.
I feel the darkness,
enveloping me,
flooding into every crevice
of my heart, darkening
my soul, until all that I can
is the painful screams of
I now lie in fear,
of the immortal souls
of the departed.
For they wander,
silent soldiers of
the reaper.
As I slip deeper,
farther, into my final
reverie, the thoughts
of demons, and violent
plights drill harder
into my skull.
I no longer
I now only
cringe, afraid
of the night.
But they pull me
down, deep into
my eternal rest.
And now I lay,
to wake nevermore.
With my soul taken
to the hands of death,
my mind destroyed
by the plagues of
my corpse is now
a shell.
A cocoon which
cannot be opened,
nor ever will,
is all that remains.
The memory of
shall be wiped from
the minds of those
who knew, but did not
care about me,
so that I am
no more.
They did not
feel for me,
they did not
feel when I died.
I was nothing,
a blank page
to them.
Something to be
swept away
as soon as
I left their physical
But I exist,
no more than a wisp,
a vague thought,
alone in a world
of pain,
But I rejoice still,
for this land,
this godforsaken
is no worse than
the hellhole
from which I came.
Life is... was...
a time of pain
as well.
For the people
are dying,
put to the axe by
their fellow people,
their friends, family,
no one shall be
We kill without
cease, a spree
of bloodshed and
one that sees no end.
It shall continue,
the tragedies,
the pain,
the suffering of
loved ones,
until we who believe
that we are supreme,
implode, leaving
Not a soul alive,
all ripped from our
as easily as a leaf from a branch.
Now I float above the carnage,
in pain still,
but laughing nonetheless
at the irony,
and rejoicing,
that my life was
severed early.
For what is there
but bliss,
in the knowledge
that those who
forgot you
received what they
Their last moments of life
filled with searing,
blood-curdling screams,
coming from
their own mouths.
I disperse,
the vague entity
that I am,
for I no longer need to
watch the destruction,
I am satsified
with the end,
for it delivered
exactly what was

Wow, I just read over that and I realized that it is extremely long, and kind of dark... my friend Ryan may have been right when he said some of my poems would make good metal song lyrics.

Well, that poem really did me in, I hope you enjoy it [I like it], and good night to you all, for this is my last post of the day, being only a few minutes 'til midnight.

Farewell for the time being,

P.S. I just remembered something that has been bugging me for an extremely long time. "P.S." is an abbreviation of post script, as in writing put after the original work.

Hello to all of you

Hello all of my readers. I have just woken up, so I find it appropriate to do another post.
Good morning
Ni hao

A greeting is something that humans have been using since the stone age. A familiar motion or sound that is recognized, and conveys the message that they acknowledged your presence. We look for a greeting whenever we meet up with someone, not caring if it is slang, proper ettiquete, or if it is no more than a slight wave of the hand.

And I guess that is all I can do after waking up only around 15 minutes ago...

Byebye to all

Daily quote 2

Thought for Fri, 04 Jul 2008
Through the progress of natural science the totality of the world and our oneness with it becomes clearer to our spirit. When this realization of the complete unity is not only an intellectual realization, when it opens up our whole being to the light of total consciousness, then it becomes a radiant joy, an all encompassing love. - Rabindranath Tagore...

Something WORTH watching

The following video contains a ficticious [fake] suicide note written as if by a teenager having troubles with life, accompanied by a song written and dedicated to people who commited suicide. Understand that although the note was not real, all that it talks about is real. The bullying, the pain, it all is happening to people you may, or may not know, but it is happening... and you may never come across people with problems like these, or maybe you will, or quite possibly, you already have, but remember that just because someone is different, it does not make them any less deservant of proper treatment that you. Think about what you say and do to people around you...

You may want to watch it twice, once for the song, once for the note, and let me warn you, you will probably cry during this. I know I did...

[Originally, this was believed to be a real suicide note, but it was later revealed to be simply written, not taken to the final stages. The writer had done it as if it was real so that people would take it seriously]