Wednesday, February 4, 2009

new post

So as I sit here, being eternally tormented by Jimmie, my sore throat, I decided that blogging was in need to be done.

Today I have realized that despite all of mankind's fancy shmancy gadgets, we've changed only slightly from way back in the prehistoric days. I was at my karate classes when one of the girls wasn't giving much effort in punching, so her sister decided to motivate her. All she had to say was "imagine that I stole your boyfriend", and that girl started punching with completely renewed vigor. This, of course, is because of the old instinct that both males and females have for protecting their mates so they can reproduce and continue the lineage. All we do is driven by the basic instincts we began with, and all the new technology is just more proof as to how we're following our basic programming. Basically, less energy used meant more saved for food, mating, traveling, etc when we were back in the ancient times, and so humans learned to make tools, so less effort doing one thing means more for another. And so we continued getting more advanced until we were in space, and we don't NEED to do any of this inventing or improving, it's all just stuff we ended up doing because we didn't know what else to do.

On another related note, last month social networking sites surpassed porn sites as the most popular use of the internet. Of course the social addiction is for another post, but the fact that porn has been so popular for so long is just unbelievable. We just can't get enough of sex, and it's like an infection, because it's our base instict for sex because it means more of our children, which means a higher rate of likelihood the species would survive. But because there are so many lonely, fat, virgins out there, porn has been the new sex. It's gross.

Random other thing;
They check your height, that's fine, a bit of joking around at the short people, which sucks
They check your ability to perform pushups and situps, which sucks, because the people who arent' in amazing shape then get made fun of themselves.
They look at your endurance, so the low stamina people get joked at.
they measure your weight, AND your body fat percentage.
I mean, please, that has to be more personal, because I can barely get myself onto the scale and see how large of a blob I am, let alone see how much of me is actually fat...
I was 6'2", 175lbs last fitness evaluation, with 22.4% body fat, which was in the high range.
After that, I ended up losing 13ish lbs in about 1.5months because of how much I completely HATED myself.
Now, I get to measure again, and it will most likely lead to more weight loss [which btw, I can't help, it's just hard to explain, I may blog how I really feel about weight loss some time, but not tonight], which means lower blood pressure, therefore resulting in higher chance of heart arrythmia [uneven beat], which I pretty much already have at a regular basis.

Right now, in preperation for the next fitness test, I am eating about 250 cals a day, and exerciseing about 750-900 cals, giving me a -500 to -650 calorie intake. Basically I drop about one and a half pounds a day on that. It leaves me pretty much fainting at times, and I'm always ravenous.

But hey, it's just a gym test, as the teacher says, it doesn't matter all that much if you're high on the charts or not [Note: Intense sarcasm]