Monday, June 9, 2008

Dream blog #1

So, I'm trying this thing, where I write down my dreams

Last night, I had a dream of epic proportions. I was alone in my room, when I was called to NASA headquaters, where I had to undergo testing to prove whether or not I could go into space. I had an artifical blood tube go into my arm, and it accelerated my blood flow to thousand of multiples of times faster than usual. Suddenly, I burst, splattering the room with oxygenized blood. Yeah, kinda gory, but at least it was decent :P

And I also dreamed a gopher was watching me, sorta like this one:


Fateema said...

that is one intense dream.

my dream last night was that i was at a tea party [it was supposed to be an exam hall? :S ] when this guy i've never met in person [lives in pennsylvania] popped up and tried to feed me this dog he had with him.

and then there was this really intense explosion, and then everyone [other than me and the dog] died. pleasant, i know. :]