Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I'm sad, but I can change things...?

Well, I'm a newfound vegetarian, and I'm a bit tired of the rampant destruction of humankind.
So, now I feel like I need to say something about it. People need to change their eating habits, meat takes more land, more energy, and more money to raise than edible vegetation. We need to cut down, or eliminate our intake of meat so we can save the planet. We are destroying the planet with our greedy ways. And for the skeptics, we can get all the nutrients we need from plants, vegetables, fruits, nuts, beans etc.

Some people would say, "Hey, you're only one person" but when you think about it, presidents and prime ministers are only people, Mao Tse-tung, Hitler, Stalin, and Ghandi were only one person, (not that I put myself at Ghandi's level, or approve of Mao's, Hitler's or Stalin's methods), and look at what they managed to acheive. I believe that if whoever reads this blog thinks about, and changes their diet to a more enviromentally friendly one, they can in turn spread it out to their friends, and this chain could make a difference.

Within trees grown old and twisted,
lies one with emerald leaves.
It sees the death among its friends,
rolls out its golden sleeves,
With patient grace, a branch comes out,
shakes out a couple seeds.
They all spread out amongst the gloom,
away, the darkness bleeds.
Up from the ground, some hope comes out,
a young tree grows, new, pure
The life takes over, sets all free,
it is bliss, joy, a cure.
The hate is gone, now warmth remains,
in the sky, a shining sun.
The tree spreads out, basking in life,
knowing its job is done.
For it knew that it would succeed,
despite very high stakes.
Deep down inside, the knowledge brewed,
that one is all it takes.