Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I'm here, right now, in front of my computer, procrastinating. I should be doing my ghost story, but I don't feel like it and I have friends to talk to, so what the heck? I might as well enjoy myself tonight instead of slaving over a keyboard doing something I don't want to.

I was sitting there, looking at my msn page thingy, when to my utter horror, I saw a [french-ing] tag on someone! I thought at first, my god! that's sexual, but then, I was astounded that someone was actually talking about procrastinating! Fateema, her name was, and irresponsible, she was as well. But I was procrastinating as well, so hypocrisy was inevitable.

It seems today that we all lack that certain quality necessary to focus on one task that we find repulsive, horrid, or just plain boring, and finish it. Because of that, we are constantly flowing from one task to another, never finishing, like an impatient sumo wrestler going between meals.

But here and there, we have the odd person with the determination to continue with even the most daunting task, and finish it at a level close to perfection. These people may be able to sow their qualities throughout the general populous and allow us to bask in the ability to succeed and follow through.

So I just finished sorta ranting on that topic, so I think I'll let one of our greatest faults slide for now...


Fateema said...

"I thought at first, my god! that's sexual,"

well, i'm sorry people these days are so sick-minded!

and it wasn't irresposible, exactly. i was just sick of french. and the exam was easy, anyway. :]