Thursday, November 20, 2008


Well, i haven't been posting anything recently because my imagination well has run quite dry, and it's depressing me :(
No stories, no ranting, and no poetry D:
Be back when inspiration hits...


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

De la maison

so here I am, sitting on my bed, home alone, NOT at school :)
the sun is warm, the blanket is soft, and the music is wonderful
I'm pretty glad i didn't go to school today... I just wanted to sleep... which I've been doing for the past 4hrs, but yeah, I won't be blogging for the day, maybe tonight, I just want to relax, and when I'm on the internets I can never find a calm place :S

byebye all ye blogstalkers

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Should I?

Well, tonight I'm sitting here debating whether or not I should work at convincing my parents to let me stay home tomorrow from school, because I am not feeling all too well, and I really, really, really don't want to go to school :S

What to do, what to do...

Early in the day

Good morning fine blogstalkers,
Today I'm posting just after coming back from a 5k run for the sake of it :P

So as I was jogging along, listening to music, trying to ignore that weird feeling I always get near my esophagus, I was thinking about how nice it is to be alone sometimes. I mean, people always seem to be afraid of being alone, they always need SOMEONE there to comfort them, and to just be there. I think that being alone from time to time does you alot of good. It lets you think and just be you, as in when I was jogging, I got alot of thinking done that I had been putting off... And the jogging is good exercise, so I send out the recommendation that you go outside at 5:30am or so and just walk for a few minutes and THINK, because afterwards, you feel refreshed and ready for the day.

'Til later,

Monday, November 10, 2008


PS. Jonathan Larson is a god :)


Well, I was looking at the new photo that I just uploaded for the title of my blog, and I was thinking about the expression "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder", and it dawned on me just how true that is. I don't think that there is an object of art, scenery, or anything else for that matter that is awe inspiring in every single person. For every masterpiece there are a few people who don't like it. Some things are just generally accepted to be beautiful, but there is always the odd few out who disagree. Even in people, no one can be just called 'beautiful' because of how relative that is. Those stunning men/women out there in the media are called, in the general sense, gorgeous, beautiful, etc... but still there are people who look upon them and say 'they're not that bad, but meh, it could be alot better'. I think that it's great that we all have our own ideas of beauty, because then there is always someone to challenge or opinion of beauty, and we will have to defend it, and in the process learn to appreciate the wonders of the object even more so.

I would use the word beautiful to describe music, or a painting, or possibly a landscape, although I lean more towards the music that the others, for the main reason of how much music I listen to, and how much my life is immersed in it. I call a masterpiece written for a cello beautiful; I call a painting by monet or van gogh beautiful.

I think the world needs more beauty in it. Nowadays we're surrounded by cold buildings and pollution, which blot out the natural and man made beauty of the world that we live in. Hopefully someone else besides the people without voice learns this, and makes a change.

Until the next post,

p.s. It feels great to get back to blogging again

I'm back

Yes, I'm back, after a long break, I felt it was time to get going again, and what better way to do so then to begin it with a makeover? I changed the photos, the layout, the colour schemes... everything! Hope you like.

I haven't been blogging recently because the idea of having a blog, and maintaining it was just not in my frame of mind. But the urge to blog has been building inside of me, and today, I end my blogging withdrawl and will spew out a couple of possibly crappy blogs :P
I need to get back in the habit, so sue me if my posts aren't good enough for you.