Sunday, December 28, 2008


Since pressure has been anonymously laid upon me to update this blog, I am doing so.

[Just realized that whenever I click enter I hold down the shift key when I do it, no clue why :S]

So my interest has been piqued recently about mental disorders involving body image, such as bulimia, anorexia, body dismorphic disorder, and a few others. I find it interesting how the mind of someone can be out of touch with reality in many different ways, with bulimia, anorexia and a others relating to a body image grossly overweight, to body dismorphic disorder which makes the person perceive their body as constantly too puny, and weak, so they feel a compulsive need to bulk up constantly. Whichever disorder the person is afflicted with, the common ground is the inability to comprehend what their true body image is like.

Those disorders aren't as easy to notice as you might think, anorexic/bulimic people aren't always emaciated, gaunt skeletons, and B.D.D sufferers aren't always buff beasts. Just because you think one way, doesn't mean you can act upon those thoughts well. The disorder is in the mental aspect of the condition, not the physical side effects.

My friend did a media project on body perception in the modern media [tv, movies, modelling, etc.] and it was quite interesting how someone else perceived the issue. In my opinion, the project was well done and well presented, especially with some of the writings used.

Some people decide to write out their problems, because venting helps everyone feel better about their problems, and it annoys me to no end how some people view this type of venting as a form of attention seeking. Those persons are ignorant and stupid. They also think that eating disorders, cutting, and dressing/acting differently than the norm are cries for attention by kids/teens/adults.

I wish we could just be who we are, and do what we want to, and not be judged... Just to be accepted, and loved for who you really are, not for how well you can pretend to fit in.



Maleeha Ghani♥ said...

Was I the anonymous pressure? Cause I do remember bitching at you for it around the end of last month..