Thursday, July 3, 2008

Ahhh, another late night

So here I am, just lying here in bed, with my laptop on my lap, and my lower back supported by a mini-mountain of pillows. I've had the same cd looped on my Windows Media Player for the last... 3 hours or so? Anyways, I've come to realize that I need to continue updating my blog, for what use is a blog without regular check ups and posts? Not much, I can tell you that with certainty.

I was talking with alot of people today, and it crossed my mind that most people you know can be categorized into groups of common mindframe, personality or other traits. Not that I want to assimilate those groups into by-products of conformity, but it is something interesting to try out for the fun of it... if boredom ever sinks into such penetrating levels.

Talking with Teemers, I realized that she has slightly altered my perspective on life, if not, at least a few situations. I now read "contraptions" as "contraceptions", I do not think of celery in the same way as before, playing mind games with people is about as fun as life can get, and many more. Tyvm Teemers for many an... interesting conversation.

And with all the crazy weather recently, combined with my constant biking around the neighbourhood with my friends, it was only a matter of time before the question of exactly why the weather was so wacky here in ottawa arose. It may have something to do with the fact that we get the lesser extremities of the air off of the great lakes, as well as being the fact that most of ottawa and the surrounding region is in a valley. But really, 35 degree weather, with crazy humidity, I must add, and then going down to 25 degrees with humidity and pouring rain, then the next morning with amazing fog as thick as a chinese opera singer's makeup. I cannot explain it, although I'm sure that someone out there has the answer, it just hasn't happend to reach me yet.

Have you ever noticed just how fast your fingers start moving when you get really into typing? As I was typing the above articles, it struck me that my finger we're flying across the keyboard at a good 75 or more wpm [words per minute]. I'm sure that if any of you reading this were to start typing a good essay/poem/writing assignment, you would find that your fingers were seemingly taking a life of their own on your keyboard. Try it, it may have some interesting results.

Your bedroom's wall colour can describe alot about you. The shade that you wake up to each morning, fall asleep to every night, and see multiple times each day, is something very personal and unique. It must be chosen with the utmost precision so that you can feel comfortable with your main living environment. Well, mine is bright yellow, and I'm getting quite tired of it... a bit too happy/in your face for me, it's the colour of those dandelions, the wonderful bit of biological engineering they are, with leaves that cover the ground around them so no other plant can take over their space, to the unique shape of the blossom that makes it so attractive to pollinating insect, all the way to the wonderful way they spread their seeds. Oops, went a little off-topic... so I want my room colour changed and I don't know what to. And please remember, in Canada, it's colour, not color.

Another succesful post of nothing more than random rants and observations of the environment around me.

I bid thee adieu


Fateema said...

playing mind games is AMAZING.
will let you know when there's a reply. well, there actually IS a reply already, but it's not very interesting. yet. :P

and also,
["fog as thick as a chinese opera singer's makeup"]
you are my idol. :P