Thursday, July 3, 2008

And then it hit you

As the title references, this is about something that comes along and, BAM, hit's you right where it hurts. Yes, ladies and gentlemen [never got that expression, men aren't exactly gentle], I am talking about boredom. Boredom is that feeling you get when you have nothing to do, haven't done anything recently, and have nothing to look forward to doing. It's a gaping hole in your mind, that suckes [that "e" is for my friend] all interesting thoughts into it, to be lost in that massive chasm of darkness, like in that wonderful emo song, my life is a dark abyss, spiralling downwards, etc, etc.

Anyways, boredom is something that many of you, if not all of you, have encountered over the summer, or are possibly experiencing it as you read. Music helps to alleviate it, but only temporarily, as does facebook, or msn. My personal boredom buster is my blog, but other people have different outlets to reduce boredom, such as reading, friends [another one of my favourites], going to see a movie, exercise, and many, many more.

But did you know that humans and the only living beings on our wonderful planet earth that can experience boredom? Monkeys, insects, fish, dolphins, elephants, anything you can name does not feel the crushing pain of boredom, with the exception of us, humans. I personally think that it is because humans have the constant need to be doing something, we have lost our natural ability to just sit and be, to wait, or to do nothing, and to relish the moments of freedom we have in our over-crowded schedules. We constantly bustle from one activity to the next, never resting, always slowing down with fatigue hacking away at us like a lumberjack chopping away at a particularly difficult tree. That's why I take time off of my daily schedule to meditate, and to clear my mind.

And, although this may seem a bit off-topic, I just realized that I hit my spacebar on my laptop exeedingly hard, although it is quite unnecessary.

Well, to get back on track, I think that animals don't feel boredom because they don't have a need to be doing something. They are programmed to do something when it is actually needed to be done, no sooner, no later, and they can just sit and wait for something to happen. They won't think about how to react to the new situation before it happens, but only when it does. That is why I think that humans are so busy, our superior intellect is truly our downfall.

But now, I must leave, for at 2:15 am, my ability to blog is already commencing to deteriorate. I'm sure that if someone edited this blog post, they would find a multitude of spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors.

Chiao for now,