Thursday, July 3, 2008


I just made myself a homemade smoothie:
2 cups of mixed fruit
1 cup of cranberry juice
1/8 cup of orange juice
1 cup of milk
1 cup of vanilla yogurt

And I have decided that homemade can beat store-bought any day. It taste infinitly superior, as well as coming with the satisfaction that YOU were the one who made it, dramaticaly improving the pleasure from the drink/food/anything.

I, personally, can bake, do simple cooking, and enjoy making beverages both of alcoholic and non-alcoholic content. I enjoy the content that I experience when something comes out of the oven/blender/fridge which tastes and looks as good as perfection.

Taking joy in such simple things is good for the soul, I believe, for it allows us to find the potential joy in so many day to day activities that we all too often take for granted. Take time of your busy schedule, readers, and think about how happy some of these things that we do can make you. Do it, and I'm sure you'll rejoice.

And for my blogging, I much enjoy listening to metal music, or anything of a similar genre. I feel it allows my brain to think clearly. Next time you have a mental block, try using some good music to get rid of it, and keep the music playing while you write. It truly does work, you have my word as a blogger, and as a "refined" citizen [joke].



Rihana said...

Thats true && thanks for the smoothie recipe. ; ]