Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Boston trip, day 1 [continued]

And so, after publishing my previous post, my family went out for a swim at the glorious pool... that was sarcasm.... as was that, it was a pretty nice pool actually. And then we went for supper and I had a really good clam chowder.

You see, fresh and local food is way better than any other kind. Here in Boston, fresh seafood is abundant, so I will be partaking in it a few times [Not too much though, I'm pescetarian, but I still don't gorge myself on fish meat...].

And so, I returned to my hotel room, to watch Jackass, Little Miss Sunshine, Zombie Strippers, and Machine Girl on my laptop... all, I may add, which are really good movies, in each their own unique way.

Tomorrow my family is going to see the museum of fine arts, and HARVARD!!! And I know that makes me sound like a nerd for wanting to see Harvard so bad, I don't care. It's the most infamous university in North America, and it's library is one of the world's most extensive.

I will keep you posted on further happenings on my trip tomorrow.

Ta ta for now,

Monday, July 28, 2008

My Boston Trip, day 1

Well, for the first day, we left the house at the unholy hour of 8:30. We then drove forever to Montreal, spent hours in traffic, then went south to the border.

Ah, the glorious cliche that is "south to the border", it makes us sound like such amazing refugees. Well, anyways, the border crossing was quite interesting, we sorta waited for 45 minutes in a long line of cars, with license plates from all over Canada and the U.S.

So we were there, the next car to be checked, when an enormous grasshopper came flying through the open window, onto my brother's arm, which then caused a chain reaction of freak-outs from everyone in the car but me, and I hit it out the window with a map eventually. It was sad. And, I might add, we probably looked like complete idiots from the point of view of the border guards. It looked probably like a family suddenly spazzing for no reason, then one of them is calmly hitting something, and they all quiet down... we come across as a really weird family at times...

Well, after crossing the border, we drove alongside of lake Champlain for a bit, not much really happened, then we got lost in a town of only 4 streets [please don't ask how] and we finally found our way back onto the highway. We went through many small towns, across a lot of rivers, and alongside a multitude of mountains, but there really wasn't much interesting to see, so I put on the Brandenburg concertos on my mp3, and slept for 4 hours, and when I woke up, we had finally arrived in Randolph, 10mins south of downtown Boston.

So the hotel, well, not exactly what I was hoping for, but good enough nonetheless [I was hoping for a 5star hotel, but my parents are saving up for the vacation next year to Australia/India/China/Italy/Spain/Mexico/Greece/U.K./ or wherever]. So I walked into the Holiday Inn [(N)] and the first thing I heard was the delightful sound of Bostoners with ACCENTS. Yes, these people sound somewhere between rednecks, British people, and Canadians. It's quite amusing, but I wouldn't say that directly to them.

So now, I'm here, in room 115 on the main floor, sharing a room with my brother [we have separate queen size beds though], and I finally got my wi-fi set up, so I can blog this right now, and I'm waiting for supper, since the time is about right.

I must bid you adieu for now, for the day has been reviewed as much as possible for a simple drive through New England. I will keep you all posted for the duration of my trip here.

Until later,

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Another one drags on

And here we go...

A smile, flashed around,
given to those who worry,
but I know deep inside, that
they just rush and hurry
from one task to the next,
uncaring, without thought,
I sigh, depressed, at what
our dreary lives have wrought.
We move along at such a pace
that simple joys slip past,
we forget to think about
our life that passes by so fast.
For my smiles, given out
as easily as glances,
are returned by hateful looks,
stabbing me like lances.
I walk away, all alone,
for I have lost all faith
that humans can be kind,
they're more like an angry wraith,
which rips, tears, and leaves
no more than a shred,
now it's plain to see that
most of mankind should be dead.

Yeah, done for a while I guess... life is still kinda busy.

Until later,

Just to let you know

Hey, this is just to let you all know that I have a second blog up, and I'm using it to help me along for the time being, and I'm sorry, but it's private [except for a few choice people].

So basically I'm saying that there is more holding me back from posting here, I will not let this blog go, but it will be quite slow for the time being.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

All of it.... dissapearing, dying...

It's just been feeling like there have been to many... distractions... in life right now for me to keep up with my blog, I hope you understand. I made this poem one night...

It crashes down,
all around,
in the shadows,
without a sound.
We are all dying,
inside and out,
we take the pain,
without a shout.
For the truth, it seems,
can be suppressed,
despite us being
angry, depressed.
We don't need care,
we just push it deep,
so that our feelings,
it cannot reap.
Because we are
unable to believe,
reality drips like our
mind is a sieve.
Only when we truly
accept what's going on,
will we find a cure,
a shining new dawn.

And now I've got to leave, but I will try to keep up with posts, but I can't promise much.

Monday, July 21, 2008



Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Sorry for not posting recently, I'll catch up soon.


Sunday, July 6, 2008

Daily quote 4

Thought for Sun, 06 Jul 2008
Physical concepts are free creations of the human mind, and are not, however it may seem, uniquely determined by the external world. -Einstein ...

Yeah, sorry for not exactly being here to post any new blogs. It's all because of the party, and I have been sorta... out of comission for the day. Not enough sleep, I can tell you that.

So I think that this will be my only blog for the rest of the day, sorry again, but I'm just not up for it.

By the way, remember not to put too much vanilla extract in your smoothies... it's not pretty. *gag*


P.S. I am so tired, that I may only stay up until around 1:00am or so before going to sleep... NOT. But really, I am tired, but my sleep cycles are completly messed up, so I won't be up until 12:00pm, but I'll try to wake up at 9:00am because I'll be able to have the entire house to myself. My parents are working and my brother has summer school, he failed civics *gasp**laugh**laugh**laugh* etc....

Saturday, July 5, 2008


Ni hao. Wo jiao jiasitin. Wo shi fei chang mei de, ni shi fei pan de.

Yeah, that's just a greeting in mandarin... well, sort of a greeting, just an assortment of random things that I put together, I need to practice my mandarin, so whatever.

Well, I need to fill my daily quota of at least 3 blogs a day, so that you, my wonderful readers, don't get bored.

I went out for lunch today, out to Kelsey's, and it was pretty good, but my nachos didn't have enough cheese on them... oh well. So over the table, my family and I were talking about a tropical vacation for next year. Right now we're contemplating either Hawaii, or Hong Kong. I personally would prefer going to H.K., but that's just me, and my family needs their input as well.

If we went to Hawaii, we would do snorkeling, island hopping, and we would enjoy the native culture and cuisine. I guess we'd do alot of the same in Hong Kong, just with a few more urban attractions.

I'm going to the party in a few hours... can't wait. I still haven't packed anything yet, which should turn into an interesting rush when I realize that I'll only have a few minutes before I'll have to go. I guess that's just me though...

My laptop has been used almost continuously since I got it on my birthday [less than a month ago], and it's showing no signs of having it's use reduced. I do blogging, work, browsing the web, youtube, facebook, msn, music, my poetry writing, picture editing, tv watching, and news-browsing on this computer. Thank god for wireless internet as well, because I use it everywhere in the house, and out in my backyard on the lawnswing.

Which reminds me, I REALLY have to get rid of my farmer tan and my sandal tan at some point. I'm crazy tanned right now, but I'm still ghostly white in other areas. So that might need to be resolved.

I have to go now, my brother wants to watch the movie "AVP" [Alien versus Predator] and I don't, so I'm going to be heading upstairs for a shower.

Oh yeah, almost forgot, I have to paint the bathroom and my bedroom at some point this summer... ugh for the bathroom, and it's about time for my room, I've had neon yellow for 5 years now, it's ENOUGH.

Oops, there's more. Supposedly my family might be going down to lake Placid at some point this summer, against all my wishes. I want to go to Boston, awesome sights, and I want to see Harvard.

A bientot,

Party tonight/tomorrow

Well, hello my faithful readers. I am here now to blog about the paranoia many of our parents have concerning us and the opposite sex.

My friends and I are going to the birthday party of a good friend tonight and tomorrow morning, because it is a sleepover including both guys AND girls [gasp]. Personally, I think that we aren't so stupid as to do anything reckless [we're that bad], but our parents are in another frame of mind.

Parents always seem to worry that their kids are going to try to have sex as soon as possible, not really taking into regard the fact that we are responsible, mature teenagers. We don't get in trouble with the law, we don't beat on eachother, and we don't go chasing after girls/guys to no end.

Off topic, but I'm watching this show where this idiot husband is trying to be macho, and use a large piece of building machinery to knock down part of a house, and he's being a complete moron. Let me clear it up now that not all men are complete testosterone-driven idiots. We do think before we act, unlike how television always portrays us.

Back on track, but still sortof on topic, our parents believe we have no control over our hormones, that we are a raging, angsty, bundle of sex drive, but we aren't. Although we do sometimes feel that way, we are in control of our own bodies, so please, just let us do our own thing, we know what we are doing.

Parents, they so ofter forget what being a teenager was like...

Now I have to worry about what to do this afternoon, I could blog some more, but about what? It's difficult to blog when there are no ideas to base it on. I could do some notes or something on Facebook, but once again, which ones? No good ones are on the go at the moment. I might settle for practicing my taekwondo outside [I don't practice it enough anyways]...

I'm going to be having lunch around 1:15pm, but I'm not hungry yet, and then my parents are going to worry about me not eating properly... they are a bit paranoid about proper eating, and because I'm not often hungry, they think I'm starving myself... more parental worries... oh well.

Wow, just saw an advertisement on tv for a show about how people do drugs, then need rehabilitation. Not exactly the prime of the hour, but hey, probably beats sitting on couch doing nothing, although you will probably be depressed after watching just how low some people in society have fallen.

My brother is playing world of warcraft [a computer game] right now, as he does every single day. What draws people to fantasy role-playing games? Is it because people aren't satisfied with their own lives, so they escape into a world where they can be supreme? I think so, for what other reason could there be for playing it 5-6 hours a day, everyday... I used to play it that frequently, then I realized that there were much better ways to spend my time, with friends for example, or blogging.

Alcohol is something that can be great, but also can be something of pure evil. It can release endorphins [chemicals that make you feel good] so that you can enjoy a social experience, but if you drink too much, it can destroy brain cells, damage your liver, and also possibly kill you from alcohol poisoning. I, myself, love alcoholic beverages, but they are not for everyone. Some people never drink alcohol, maybe because they don't like it, maybe because they had a bad experience with it in their family, or because of religious reasons. But of course, because my family is french [Quebecois], we drink ALOT of wine at family get-togethers, and with dinner, so I have tried quite a few different brands and types,

And to finish this blog off, I would like to talk about physical activity. This includes sports, martial arts, running, or just doing exercise. Some people love doing physical activities, but others truly abhor it. That is just a matter of opinion, of course, but I think that we should all do as much exercise as is necessary for a healthy lifestlyle. My brother doesn't do any at all, and it DEFINETLY shows... I used to be alot heavier, but through exercise, I managed to lose 20lbs, despite growing about 3 inches, since christmas. Try to get your daily allotment of exercise, and you'll be glad you did...

Unfortunatly, I have to depart now, I have been blogging for quite a while now, and I need to take a break, for it is almost lunch time.

Parting is such sweet sorrow, and I shall rejoice at my return, but until then, goodbye.


Daily quote 3

Thought for Fri, 04 Jul 2008
Through the progress of natural science the totality of the world and our oneness with it becomes clearer to our spirit. When this realization of the complete unity is not only an intellectual realization, when it opens up our whole being to the light of total consciousness, then it becomes a radiant joy, an all encompassing love. - Rabindranath Tagore...

Friday, July 4, 2008

Sigh, and then it sinks in that it`s not over...

Sorry for the slow blogging today, readers. It`s just that I have had alot going on. One of my best friends, Amanda, just came on up to Ottawa from Wasaga Beach, a town on the shore of lake Huron I believe, on Georgian bay. She`s a great friend of mine, and everyone else, and she had moved away in the spring, and she came here to visit and go to another one of my friends birthday parties. We hung out a bit today, and I also went and hung out with a couple of my guy friends, we went biking, then proceeded to go to Leslie`s house because he had to babysit his cousins. Not very fun, but he does have alot of food that he can eat whenever he wants to in his house. Not that I would take advantage of that or anything... well, anyways... I ended up being bored by suppertime, once again, despite the hectic schedule I had today.

It`s great to see friends, but you have to learn when to take time away from them to spend time with your family, no matter how boring your family may be, they will want to spend time with you, whether you want them to or not.

And I`ve been playing this addicting game on facebook called Word Challenge, and I`ve been playing it for 3 hours [it's quite addictive, I must say], and it seems to have boosted up my typing speed, because I just clocked it on a program... it's about 90 wpm at the moment, some of the fastest typing I've done in a while, to be honest. Give it a try, it's a fun game that enhances your vocabulary, and practices your speed typing at the same time. But be careful, you can lose track of time while playing it quite easily.

So, up until now I have been mostly just ranting on and on about random this that have occured to me today. Now, I must talk to you about something I DIDN'T do today. I didn't talk on msn all that much, and that is something big for me, as I am the kind of person who almost never logs off of msn for the duration of the entire day, I usually just leave the computer for a few minutes to eat, change music, or use the washroom, and that's about it. I don't leave my laptop for any reason that is not urgent, end of story. I'm even on my wonderful laptop [that I got for my birthday] right now, in bed, just lying here with it on my lap, and the dark sights out of the large window at my feet haunting me, the creeping shadows cast upon my room by the glow of the streetlamp mocking me, beckoning me into a deep sleep, one that cannot be ended, the eternal slumber of death. But enough about personifying the shadows... I'm going to write a poem about my room at night, something that I am not copying down, just sort of making up as I go along, I really do hope you enjoy reading it as much as I do making it.

Night room
I lie in bed with a blanket,
gently draped over my feet.
I feel the darkness,
enveloping me,
flooding into every crevice
of my heart, darkening
my soul, until all that I can
is the painful screams of
I now lie in fear,
of the immortal souls
of the departed.
For they wander,
silent soldiers of
the reaper.
As I slip deeper,
farther, into my final
reverie, the thoughts
of demons, and violent
plights drill harder
into my skull.
I no longer
I now only
cringe, afraid
of the night.
But they pull me
down, deep into
my eternal rest.
And now I lay,
to wake nevermore.
With my soul taken
to the hands of death,
my mind destroyed
by the plagues of
my corpse is now
a shell.
A cocoon which
cannot be opened,
nor ever will,
is all that remains.
The memory of
shall be wiped from
the minds of those
who knew, but did not
care about me,
so that I am
no more.
They did not
feel for me,
they did not
feel when I died.
I was nothing,
a blank page
to them.
Something to be
swept away
as soon as
I left their physical
But I exist,
no more than a wisp,
a vague thought,
alone in a world
of pain,
But I rejoice still,
for this land,
this godforsaken
is no worse than
the hellhole
from which I came.
Life is... was...
a time of pain
as well.
For the people
are dying,
put to the axe by
their fellow people,
their friends, family,
no one shall be
We kill without
cease, a spree
of bloodshed and
one that sees no end.
It shall continue,
the tragedies,
the pain,
the suffering of
loved ones,
until we who believe
that we are supreme,
implode, leaving
Not a soul alive,
all ripped from our
as easily as a leaf from a branch.
Now I float above the carnage,
in pain still,
but laughing nonetheless
at the irony,
and rejoicing,
that my life was
severed early.
For what is there
but bliss,
in the knowledge
that those who
forgot you
received what they
Their last moments of life
filled with searing,
blood-curdling screams,
coming from
their own mouths.
I disperse,
the vague entity
that I am,
for I no longer need to
watch the destruction,
I am satsified
with the end,
for it delivered
exactly what was

Wow, I just read over that and I realized that it is extremely long, and kind of dark... my friend Ryan may have been right when he said some of my poems would make good metal song lyrics.

Well, that poem really did me in, I hope you enjoy it [I like it], and good night to you all, for this is my last post of the day, being only a few minutes 'til midnight.

Farewell for the time being,

P.S. I just remembered something that has been bugging me for an extremely long time. "P.S." is an abbreviation of post script, as in writing put after the original work.

Hello to all of you

Hello all of my readers. I have just woken up, so I find it appropriate to do another post.
Good morning
Ni hao

A greeting is something that humans have been using since the stone age. A familiar motion or sound that is recognized, and conveys the message that they acknowledged your presence. We look for a greeting whenever we meet up with someone, not caring if it is slang, proper ettiquete, or if it is no more than a slight wave of the hand.

And I guess that is all I can do after waking up only around 15 minutes ago...

Byebye to all

Daily quote 2

Thought for Fri, 04 Jul 2008
Through the progress of natural science the totality of the world and our oneness with it becomes clearer to our spirit. When this realization of the complete unity is not only an intellectual realization, when it opens up our whole being to the light of total consciousness, then it becomes a radiant joy, an all encompassing love. - Rabindranath Tagore...

Something WORTH watching

The following video contains a ficticious [fake] suicide note written as if by a teenager having troubles with life, accompanied by a song written and dedicated to people who commited suicide. Understand that although the note was not real, all that it talks about is real. The bullying, the pain, it all is happening to people you may, or may not know, but it is happening... and you may never come across people with problems like these, or maybe you will, or quite possibly, you already have, but remember that just because someone is different, it does not make them any less deservant of proper treatment that you. Think about what you say and do to people around you...

You may want to watch it twice, once for the song, once for the note, and let me warn you, you will probably cry during this. I know I did...

[Originally, this was believed to be a real suicide note, but it was later revealed to be simply written, not taken to the final stages. The writer had done it as if it was real so that people would take it seriously]

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Last one of the day

This is my last post for today, and I just want to clear up a few things before the day comes to an end.
NO, you do not look fat in that.
You do not need to thank me because I do what I should
Peer pressure suckes [an "e" for a friend]
We DO care about you
No, we DON'T make fun of you
I appreciate your differences
Live life as you want to
Murder suckes
Peace should reign free
War is something the world could do without
If you're sad, think about how much worse someone else has it, then try to help them

Until tomorrow,

Daily quote 1

I forgot to mention in the previous post that I'm going to be posting a daily wisdom quote...

Thought for Thu, 03 Jul 2008

By means of meditation we can teach our minds to be calm and balanced; within this calmness is a richness and a potential, an inner knowledge which can render our lives boundlessly satisfying and meaningful. While the mind may be what traps us in unhealthy patterns of stress and imbalance, it is also the mind which can free us. Through meditation, we can tap the healing qualities of mind.
- Tarthang Tulku...


So sorry faithful readers... for I am unable to post my poetry tonight, my poetic inspiration is currently running low. I would greatly appreciate it if you could write some good ideas or themes for poems in a comment on this article. Now for some of my favourite lines from songs on the Alesana album "On Frail Wings of Vanity and Wax"

Black engulfs the dying light as he falls on frail wings of vanity and wax

In my perfection I have no want yet eyes still glint with greed untold, a folly as fatal as sin has now become the end of me

In dreams I've seen her silhouette dance across golden light and my dreams...

I would not close the casket; I'm so consumed by your pain

Why would you leave me to die after you had buried the dagger hilt deep?

Dearest love, I hope this message finds you well, as these endless thoughts drip from my soul, every single word secretly paints a fairytale

In my mind blood drips from your eyes, a beautiful last goodbye

Emptiness has darkened my eyes as I hopelessly beg for my life to end

I can't see why you'd run and hide excluding such complacence as tears rain from bloodshot eyes

My envy can't describe how I loathe you for having all the stars, leaving my eyes to marvel at the sky knowing it should be mine

A thousand sails approaching, sent here in her name to reclaim the one I stole and destroy the walls of Troy

Sorry again, and I hope to make it up to you readers out there at some point... it's been too long since my last poetry post.

Goodbye for now,


Multi-tasking is something that we often overlook. Stop whatever you're doing right now and just think, what were you doing a few seconds ago? Probably on the computer, music, talking with friends, maybe tv, maybe something else. Just imagine how powerful our brains [which are the size of our two fists put together] is to accomplish all of this at once.

Right now I'm blogging, listening to music, talking with 5 people on msn, looking at facebook, talking with parents, and watching tv... definetly stretching the abilities of my multi-tasking. It's feasible to most, but to others, it's about as possible as reviving the titanic single-handed.

And I'm planning to have a long poetry blog for tonight... might be one of my longest poems yet.

Until tonight


I just made myself a homemade smoothie:
2 cups of mixed fruit
1 cup of cranberry juice
1/8 cup of orange juice
1 cup of milk
1 cup of vanilla yogurt

And I have decided that homemade can beat store-bought any day. It taste infinitly superior, as well as coming with the satisfaction that YOU were the one who made it, dramaticaly improving the pleasure from the drink/food/anything.

I, personally, can bake, do simple cooking, and enjoy making beverages both of alcoholic and non-alcoholic content. I enjoy the content that I experience when something comes out of the oven/blender/fridge which tastes and looks as good as perfection.

Taking joy in such simple things is good for the soul, I believe, for it allows us to find the potential joy in so many day to day activities that we all too often take for granted. Take time of your busy schedule, readers, and think about how happy some of these things that we do can make you. Do it, and I'm sure you'll rejoice.

And for my blogging, I much enjoy listening to metal music, or anything of a similar genre. I feel it allows my brain to think clearly. Next time you have a mental block, try using some good music to get rid of it, and keep the music playing while you write. It truly does work, you have my word as a blogger, and as a "refined" citizen [joke].


Interesting experience...

Well, today my friends, my friends friends, and I were hanging out and something.... interesting happened. We went over to one of their houses, and they had a pool. One of them got pushed in the pool, so he was soaked. Then someone threw his necklace in the bottom of the pool, so he borrowed the wet guy's shorts to jump in and get the necklace, then he got it, got out of the pool and took the wet guys shoes, shirt and celll phone, which he then ran away with. In the end, the guy spent about an hour running around in the street looking for his clothes, wearing nothing more than a pair of completly wet boxers... it was pretty funny, but it would suck to be him.

Anyways, I've always found it weird how one person's suffering can be so funny to others, when if they were the ones suffering, they would be mad at the others for laughing or getting enjoyment out of it. I guess we all like the feeling that we are somehow better than others, even though we aren't. We just like that fleeting moment where we can make fun of someone, and it makes us feel better. It sort of shows just how low a person is willing to go to make themselves feel superior. Sad stuff, it truly is.

Well, it was never a surprise that human are social cockroaches. We do stuff that animals would never think of even doing. Humans are just... awful, buy hey, we are people, so we may as well try to change our habits and say we tried to make a difference. Be nicer people, save yourself. And I don't mean that in a religious way at all.


Waking up, it seems, is no meager accomplishment

Hello again, well, it turns out that I just woke up... so my mind is not exactly working at an optimal level. But right now, I want to talk to you about waking up.

Many people relish the opportunity to just wake up, and sit/lie in bed, enjoying the comforting warmth emenating from their bed. Other just can't wait to get up and move on to the next task or activity. I feel that people should learn to just sit there and be happy, no so pressured to move onto the next task. I, myself, sleep for a while then wake up, and stay in bed for about 2hrs after I have woken up. Now, that may just be me, but I feel that is the way to get the most out of your day, by relaxing as long as you can in the morning.

Anyways, I wake up, stay in bed for a few hours, then proceed downstairs for breakfast [or lunch, like today when I woke up at about 12:00pm] and eat for a bit. I then work my way back upstairs to get my laptop, which I bring downstairs onto the couch so I can blog, facebook, msn, whatever seems to be the most necessary at the time.

Facebook. I bet you got a flood of thoughts when you read that word. [Ouch, don't you hate that past-tense read {I have read something} and the present-tense read {I'm going to read this book} are spelt exactly the same? It's extremely irratating for me to read {<-- again!} something and to suddenly question their grammar. It irks me when incorrect grammar is used regularly, {small mistakes are fine once in a while} and so that combination of read/read has plagued me since I began reading... many years ago. Now to get back on track] Well, facebook is something that most of my readers probably think about and work on everyday, possibly multiple times a day, or like me, who has it open constantly in a seperate tab on my internet explorer. It is a social networking place that consumes you, and pulls you into a vortex of which there is no return, ever.

Msn, or "instant messaging" is a type of chat most people use [by people I reference kids and teenagers] to talk with eachother without running up phonebills. A chat with instantly delivered messages almost eliminates the use of the phone in my generation.

I'm listening to a song right now on the radio [magic 100.3, not that I like the station, but my parents left home 3hrs ago, and left it on, and I'm blogging, and when I get going, I don't like to stop] and it's kind of whiny, with the male singer a bit nasaly, and it's annoying the heck out of me, because I'm not really all for the happy/life rocks socks lyrics. They can be a nice change of pace from time to time, and anyways, the song is a ballad, and ballads aren't really my thing [with the exception of the third temptation of paris] because my musical tastes lie around metal, death metal, deathcore, screamo and those sorta genres. But to get back on track, the song isn't all that great, but that singer probably has legions of adoring fans... oh well, people's interests can vary widly I guess. I just wish people didn't shoot down so many genres/artists/songs before giving them a chance.

This is really starting to be a rant, isn't it? Ah well, I'm just the sort of person to look at things and see multiple views on the same topic/object. And so that's why I like to rant, it becomes alot of fun, just to write down your opinions and your thoughts, so that other people can read them and give thought about them.

Well, I must depart, for what mind can produce work at such a rate without proper rest, and rejuvination? None, that is how many. So zai jian, aurevoir, chiao and farewell until later today.


Well, you know....

Well, this is a short post, just a couple quick poems I had written, but they're kinda depressing, that's why they aren't already posted. But even though they are depressing, I still really like these ones.

People surround us,
living in pain.
With nothing to lose,
and nothing to gain.

I sit here, in pain,
in sorrow,
as I wait,
for tomorrow.
I cry to myself,
about what shall await,
for what can there be,
but anger and hate?

I despair,
in fear,
for now,
the end is near.
Creeping up,
to kill us all,
we all shall die,
big and small.
We'll break,
we'll bleed,
lose blood,
we don't need.
The devil's head,
raised high,
laughs at souls
who will die.

And then it hit you

As the title references, this is about something that comes along and, BAM, hit's you right where it hurts. Yes, ladies and gentlemen [never got that expression, men aren't exactly gentle], I am talking about boredom. Boredom is that feeling you get when you have nothing to do, haven't done anything recently, and have nothing to look forward to doing. It's a gaping hole in your mind, that suckes [that "e" is for my friend] all interesting thoughts into it, to be lost in that massive chasm of darkness, like in that wonderful emo song, my life is a dark abyss, spiralling downwards, etc, etc.

Anyways, boredom is something that many of you, if not all of you, have encountered over the summer, or are possibly experiencing it as you read. Music helps to alleviate it, but only temporarily, as does facebook, or msn. My personal boredom buster is my blog, but other people have different outlets to reduce boredom, such as reading, friends [another one of my favourites], going to see a movie, exercise, and many, many more.

But did you know that humans and the only living beings on our wonderful planet earth that can experience boredom? Monkeys, insects, fish, dolphins, elephants, anything you can name does not feel the crushing pain of boredom, with the exception of us, humans. I personally think that it is because humans have the constant need to be doing something, we have lost our natural ability to just sit and be, to wait, or to do nothing, and to relish the moments of freedom we have in our over-crowded schedules. We constantly bustle from one activity to the next, never resting, always slowing down with fatigue hacking away at us like a lumberjack chopping away at a particularly difficult tree. That's why I take time off of my daily schedule to meditate, and to clear my mind.

And, although this may seem a bit off-topic, I just realized that I hit my spacebar on my laptop exeedingly hard, although it is quite unnecessary.

Well, to get back on track, I think that animals don't feel boredom because they don't have a need to be doing something. They are programmed to do something when it is actually needed to be done, no sooner, no later, and they can just sit and wait for something to happen. They won't think about how to react to the new situation before it happens, but only when it does. That is why I think that humans are so busy, our superior intellect is truly our downfall.

But now, I must leave, for at 2:15 am, my ability to blog is already commencing to deteriorate. I'm sure that if someone edited this blog post, they would find a multitude of spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors.

Chiao for now,

A colour of life, and the soul

I think that colours represent alot about a person's personality, and are extremely important to us, so I decided to make a quick haiku about a few of them.

Like the sky above
And the sea surrounding us
Envealoping calm

The fire and the
Passion of the soul are bared
In love, anger, lust

Leaves slowly open
To reveal their vibrant hue
A glowing emerald

Awakening the
Senses, rejuvenating
A bright light that lifts

A warmth, consuming
The darkness, leaving behind
Only purity

So dark, it covers
And allows the the truth to seep
Out into the light

An innocence, so
Young, so revealing, just like
The divine angel

Love displays itself
A manifestation of
Our true desire

Of bruises, of near
Darkness, but of childlike
Innocence and thought

Ahhh, another late night

So here I am, just lying here in bed, with my laptop on my lap, and my lower back supported by a mini-mountain of pillows. I've had the same cd looped on my Windows Media Player for the last... 3 hours or so? Anyways, I've come to realize that I need to continue updating my blog, for what use is a blog without regular check ups and posts? Not much, I can tell you that with certainty.

I was talking with alot of people today, and it crossed my mind that most people you know can be categorized into groups of common mindframe, personality or other traits. Not that I want to assimilate those groups into by-products of conformity, but it is something interesting to try out for the fun of it... if boredom ever sinks into such penetrating levels.

Talking with Teemers, I realized that she has slightly altered my perspective on life, if not, at least a few situations. I now read "contraptions" as "contraceptions", I do not think of celery in the same way as before, playing mind games with people is about as fun as life can get, and many more. Tyvm Teemers for many an... interesting conversation.

And with all the crazy weather recently, combined with my constant biking around the neighbourhood with my friends, it was only a matter of time before the question of exactly why the weather was so wacky here in ottawa arose. It may have something to do with the fact that we get the lesser extremities of the air off of the great lakes, as well as being the fact that most of ottawa and the surrounding region is in a valley. But really, 35 degree weather, with crazy humidity, I must add, and then going down to 25 degrees with humidity and pouring rain, then the next morning with amazing fog as thick as a chinese opera singer's makeup. I cannot explain it, although I'm sure that someone out there has the answer, it just hasn't happend to reach me yet.

Have you ever noticed just how fast your fingers start moving when you get really into typing? As I was typing the above articles, it struck me that my finger we're flying across the keyboard at a good 75 or more wpm [words per minute]. I'm sure that if any of you reading this were to start typing a good essay/poem/writing assignment, you would find that your fingers were seemingly taking a life of their own on your keyboard. Try it, it may have some interesting results.

Your bedroom's wall colour can describe alot about you. The shade that you wake up to each morning, fall asleep to every night, and see multiple times each day, is something very personal and unique. It must be chosen with the utmost precision so that you can feel comfortable with your main living environment. Well, mine is bright yellow, and I'm getting quite tired of it... a bit too happy/in your face for me, it's the colour of those dandelions, the wonderful bit of biological engineering they are, with leaves that cover the ground around them so no other plant can take over their space, to the unique shape of the blossom that makes it so attractive to pollinating insect, all the way to the wonderful way they spread their seeds. Oops, went a little off-topic... so I want my room colour changed and I don't know what to. And please remember, in Canada, it's colour, not color.

Another succesful post of nothing more than random rants and observations of the environment around me.

I bid thee adieu